Grinding, 69, 70 |
Gut feeling, 130 |
Halfway house, 49, 50 |
Harassing messages, 190, 202, 203 |
Hatchery, 49, 50 |
Head fakes, 80-83 |
Helper, 63, 64 |
Home runs, 108 |
Houtkin, Harvey (see Author) |
Houtkin rules, 191 |
Hybrid sales, 74 |
Improper disclosure of customer orders, 209, 210 |
Incubation room, 49, 50 |
Indicating events, 78 |
Information, 60-62 |
''Inside Nasdaq, Questions about America's Busiest Stock Market," 205 |
Instinet, 200-202 |
Internet trading, 17-19 |
Intimidation, 203 |
Intuition, 130 |
Island Book ticker, 10 |
Jefferson, Thomas, 181 |
Jiggles, 79-83 |
Kennedy, John F., 124 |
Ketchum, Richard, 196 |
Khrushchev, Nikita, 186 |
Learn from mistakes, 129-131 |
Learning curve, 44, 45 |
Lerner, Linda, 137 |
Level playing field, 22 |
Leverage, 65 |
Levitt, Arthur, 24, 137, 139, 145 |
Limited number of shares tradeable, 32, 33 |
Los Angeles Times, 205, 206 |
Losses, 102, 128, 129 |
Low-tolerance, high-velocity (LTHV) trader, 69, 70 |
LTHV trader, 69, 70 |
Margin requirements, 42-44 |
Market-maker-style traders, 67-69 |
MARKET MAKER window, 9, 14, 15 |
Market-monitoring programs, 113, 114 |
Market opening trading strategies, 117-119 |
Market price fluctuation, 66 |
Market risk, 57, 58 |
MarketMinder, 10, 121, 122 |
Mathematical trading loss parameters, 125, 126 |
Mistakes, 129-131 |
Monitoring programs, 113, 114 |
N*PROVE, 178, 179 |
aggressive enforcement of SOES rules, 195-197 |
membership organizations, as, 150, 151 |
Nasdaq market operations, 151 |
SRO responsibilities, 150 |
support for market makers, 191 |
(See also Abusive practices) |
NASD Regulation (NASDR), Inc., 147, 148 |
NASD subsidiaries, 147, 148 |
Nasdaq, 149, 215 |
Nasdaq glossary, 215-221 |
Nasdaq international trading, 131 |
Nasdaq Level I screen, 8, 9 |
Nasdaq Level II screen, 1-10, 15, 16 |
Nasdaq Stock Market, 147, 148 |
Nasdaq volume, 149, 215 |
NASDR, 147, 148 |
Natural selection, 48 |
News, 91-95 |