Commissions, 12, 13 |
Competitive attitude, 41 |
Complicated techniques/strategies, 120 |
Concentration, 121 |
Consistency/predictability, 108, 109 |
Conspiracy/collusion (see Abusive practices) |
Continuous quotations, 193, 194 |
Coordinated activity, 207, 208 |
Courtesies, 181, 209 |
Crash of 1987, 19, 58, 96, 169, 170, 188 |
Crash of 1997, 19 |
Crowd mass psychology, 94, 95 |
Customer limit orders, 26 |
advantages, 29-33 |
business venture, as, 62-64 |
capital requirements, 42-44 |
learning curve, 44, 45 |
level playing field, 22 |
occupation, as, 36-38 |
overview, 6, 7 |
percentage of Nasdaq trading volume, as, 110 |
required personality traits, 38-41, 121 |
self-test, 35, 36 |
start-up costs, 45, 46 |
training, 47-51 |
DAET brokerage firms, 52-54 |
Darwin, Charles, 47 |
Day trading, 2-5 (See also DAET) |
Decimal pricing, 133, 134 |
Decisiveness, 115 |
Definitions, 215-221 |
Delayed reporting of trades, 208, 209 |
Delays, 12 |
Department of Justice investigation, 141 |
Depth of market, 83, 84 |
Direct access electronics trading (see DAET) |
Directional indicator, 61 |
Discipline, 39, 40, 77, 102, 121 (See also Built-in discipline) |
Diversification, 127 |
Diversion traders, 72, 73 |
Do's/don'ts, 134, 135 |
Dollar price averaging, 119 |
Domestic Securities, Inc., 142, 143 |
E*Trade, 158 |
E-mail-type electronic trading systems, 19 |
ECNs, 26, 27, 68, 82, 132 |
Edison, Thomas, 129 |
Electronic communication networks (ECNs), 26, 27, 68, 82, 132 |
Electronic day trading, 2-5 (See also DAET) |
Emotional factors, 127-129 |
Excused withdrawals, 193-195 |
Execution of orders, 13 |
Execution risk, 21, 58-60 |
Facts, 90-95 |
Fading, 72 |
Fear, 130 |
Fertile trading environment, 74, 75 |
Financial news headlines, 92 |
Firm quote rule, 25, 191 |
5-minute rule, 32, 33 |
Fluid traders, 82, 83 |
Focus, 39 |
Fractional sub-eighth pricing, 133 |
Friedman, Milton, 115 |
Fundamental analysis, 99, 100 |
Future prospects, 132-134 |
Getting in between orders, 85 |
Glossary, 215-221 |
Gould, Jay, 107 |
Graphs (Nasdaq Level II screen), 9 |