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Quota Fund, 22

Reflexivity, 24, 25

Roditi departure, 19

Spin-offs, 37–38, 39

Succession planning, 27, 38–39

Technology allocation, 40

Soros, Robert, 20, 39

Soros, Tivadar, 22, 23

Soros Fund Management, see Soros, George

Technology allocation, 20, 21

Soss & Cotton, 51

Southern Methodist University, 116, 118, 286

Spectrum Asset Management, 47

Spinnaker Technology, 37

Stanfield Capital Partners, 37–38

Stanford University, 9, 288, 290–291, 298–301

Stark, Brian, 1, 4, 106, 221–237

Assets, 47, 74, 221, 236

Background, 223, 227

Capacity, 74–75, 229

Culture, 82, 229

Diversification, 85

Education, 89, 221–223, 237

Free time, 98, 234, 237

Hedge ratio, 225, 237

Hedging techniques, 226–227, 237

Investment committee, 95, 236

Investment in own fund, 75, 77, 79, 234, 236

Investor base, 105, 233–234

Leverage, 86, 225–226, 237, 244

Location, 221, 222, 229, 236

Losses and lessons, 84, 230–231, 237

Methodology, 99, 222–226, 236

Motivation, 73, 232–233, 237

Net exposure, 103, 225, 237

Organization, 83, 227–228, 236

Organization, role in, 94–95, 227–228, 236

Portfolio allocation and optimization, 85, 90, 224, 231

Private equity allocation, 237

Research, 90, 92, 227

Risk management, 237

Succession, 107

Technology allocation, 230, 237

Technology information, 81

Track record, 230, 231, 234

Trades selected, 104

Transparency, 105–106, 234

U.S. vs. non–U.S. exposure, 100, 222–223

Stark Investments, see Stark, Brian

State University of New York—Stony Brook Foundation, 286

Statistical arbitrage, 58, 99, 241, 242, 245

Stefanou, Nicholas, 50, 52

Steinhardt, Michael, 5, 6, 8, 29, 30, 31, 32, 40

Conservatism, 41

Financial World's Top 100 Wall Street Earners, 5, 6, 8

Methodology, 29

Mystique, 53

Philanthropy, 31, 32

Retirement (1995), 29, 31

Sabbatical (1978), 29

Spin-offs, 37–38

Succession planning, 36

Technology allocation, 31

Views on industry, 30

Stock picking, 99, 112

Strasser, Hannah, 38

Streinger, Peter, 19

Strome, Mark, 5, 6, 38

Strome, Susskind, 7, 38

Succession planning, 60

Sud, Krishen, 200–201

Sumitomo Life, 277, 279

Sussman, S. Donald, 1, 4, 6, 223, 239–250

Allocation to other managers, 96, 239, 241

Assets, 47, 74, 240, 249

Background, 247

Capacity, 75

Diversification, 85, 242

Education, 90, 250

Financial World's Top 100 Wall Street Earners, 6

Free time, 98, 247–248, 250

Hedging techniques, 104

Highlight, 72

Institutional investors, 88

Investment in own fund, 75, 249

Investor base, 105

Leverage, 86, 250

Location, 96, 242, 249

Losses and lessons, 84, 243–244

Methodology, 240–242, 249

Motivation, 73, 250

Net exposure, 103

Organization, 83, 240, 249

Organization, role in, 94, 241, 249

Portfolio allocation and optimization, 86, 89–90, 249

Private equity allocation, 102, 245, 250

Research, 92

Risk management, 87, 243

Spin-offs, 38

Succession, 107

Technology allocation, 250

Track record, 76–77, 79–80, 243, 245, 248

Transparency, 105–106, 246

U.S. vs. non-U.S. exposure, 100, 250

View on industry, 246–247

Swain, Brian, 38

Swiss Life Insurance Company, 9, 273, 277, 282–284

Symonds, Geoffrey, 38

Technology stocks, 39–40, 42, 199, 227

Tepper, David, 1, 4, 251–258

Allocation to other managers, 255

Assets, 47, 74, 251, 256

Background, 50, 52, 106, 255, 258

Capacity, 74, 77, 79–80

Education, 90

Free time, 97, 258

Hedging techniques, 254, 258

Institutional investor, 88, 254, 257

Investment committee, 95

Investment in own fund, 257

Investor base, 105, 257

Leverage, 86, 254, 258

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