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Halcyon/Slifka, 48, 61

Halvorsen, Andreas, 36, 37

Hamilton College, 286

Hamline University, 286

Hampton University, 286

Harvard Law School, 211, 220, 221, 223

Harvard Management Company, 53

Harvard University, 143, 186

Haverford College, 286

Hedge fund:

Absolute returns vs. relative returns, 45, 46, 59

Advantages, 53

Asset/performance relationship, 34, 35, 36

Benchmark, 46

Black eyes, 61–64

Capacity, 43

Characteristics, 1, 49

Challenges, 3, 43–44, 309–311

Continuity, 43

Definition, 46

Growth, 4, 46, 53

History, 56, 57

Incentive fee, 33, 48

Institutionalization, 2

Largest managers, 47

Misnomer, 45

Noncorrelation, 55

Number of investors, 272–273

Performance characteristics, 55, 56

Proliferation of managers, 48–53

Size, 4, 46

Spin-offs, 36–38, 42

Strategies, 4

Succession issues, 36

Helvetia Patria, 277, 282

Hempelman, Philip, 5, 6

Henderson Investors, 51, 52, 54

Hennes, Duncan, 19, 27

Henry, John, 1, 4, 5, 7, 8, 145–161

Assets, 48, 74, 146, 160

Background, 106, 156, 161

Baseball, 145, 152, 158, 159

Capacity, 75, 153

Diversification, 85, 151

Financial World's Top 100 Wall Street Earners, 5, 7, 8

Free time, 98, 161

Global macro allocation, 160

Investment committe, 95, 154

Investment in own fund, 76, 160

Investor base, 105, 153, 160

Leverage, 87, 148, 161

Location, 97, 154, 156

Losses and lessons, 84, 150, 151

Methodology, 58, 99, 145, 146, 148, 149, 150, 152–153, 160

Motivation, 73, 161

Organization, 83, 154, 160

Organization, role in, 94, 154, 155, 160

Philosophy, 147, 148, 150, 156, 157

Portfolio allocation and optimization, 86, 91

Private equity allocation, 160

Product development, 147, 156

Reseach, 91

Risk management, 149

Slippage, 153

Succession, 107

Technology allocation, 160

Track record, 76–78, 80, 158

Transparency, 105

U.S. vs. non-U.S. exposure, 100, 160

Visionary, 147

High yield, 57, 99, 252, 256

Highbridge Capital Management, 47, 61

Highfields Capital, 53, 287

Highview Capital, 38

Hite, Larry, 5

Hollins University, 286

Hong Kong & Shanghai Banking Corp., 54

Hughes, Martin, 37

Hunter College, 131

Hutchinson Vecchini Asset Management, 52

Hygrove Partners, 51

IBM, 277

IFM, 51

III Associates, 48

Illinois Institute of Technology, 286

Indus Capital Partners, 37

Information technology, 2, 40

ING Barings, 51


Allocation to hedge funds, 2, 271–272, 277. See also Endowments

California Public Employees Retirement System (CalPERS), 2, 10, 273–279

Louisiana State Employees Retirement System, 275

New York State Teachers Retirement, 275

Public School Teachers Pension and Retirement Fund of Chicago, 2, 275

Oklahoma Firefighters' Retirement System, 2, 275

Benchmark, 59

Experiences, 10

Fund of funds, 273

Goals, 10, 275

In-house hedge funds, 50, 53

Overlay, 276

Portable alpha, 276

Private equity, 273

Strategies, 276

Track record, 274

Transparency, 274

INVESCO, 48, 51

Investment bank proprietary traders, see specific names

Invictus Partners, 52

Irwin, John, 37

Irwin, Tim, 50, 52


Ivory Asset Management, 37

Ivy Asset Management, 61

Jack, Roderick, 50

Jacobs, Jonathan, 53

Jacobson, Andrew, 37

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