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Page 320 Cooperman, Leon (Continued) Institutional investors, 88, 130, 287 Investment committee, 95, 130 Investment in own fund, 75, 130 Investor base, 104, 105, 128, 130 Leverage, 86, 127, 131 Location, 96, 130 Losses and lessons, 84, 127, 131 Methodology, 99, 126, 130 Motivation, 73, 122, 131 Net exposure, 102, 103, 127, 130 Organization, 83, 125, 126, 130 Organization, role in, 94, 123, 130 Portfolio allocation and optimization, 86, 91, 126, 130 Private equity allocation, 130 Professional background, 50–51 Research, 91–92 Risk management, 127, 128, 131 Spin-offs, 37 Succession planning, 107 Tax efficiency, 93, 128 Technology allocation, 101, 126, 130 Track record, 77–78, 80, 129 Trades taken, 104, 124, 130 Transparency, 105–106, 128 U.S. vs. non-U.S. exposure, 100 Value investor, 104, 121, 123, 125 View of industry, 129 Cos Cob Partners, 38 Cotton, Robert, 51 Covenant Capital Management, 37 Covo, Mario, 51 Cranbrook Educational Community, 286 Credit Suisse First Boston, 51, 52, 54 Creedon, Scott, 37 Crest Capital Management, 52 Critical Infrastructure Fund, 51 Cross Asset Management, 54 Cumberland Associates, 3, 259–268 Allocation to other managers, 267 Assets, 74, 267 Background, 106 Continuity, 43, 73 Culture, 82 Hedging techniques, 264, 268 Institutional investors, 88 Investment in own fund, 75, 260, 262, 267 Investor base, 264, 267 Leverage, 86, 268 Location, 96, 267 Losses and lessons, 84, 263 Management committee, 260, 267 Methodology, 99, 261–263, 267 Net exposure, 102, 103, 264, 268 Organization, 83, 104, 260, 262, 267 Portfolio allocation and optimization, 86, 91, 260–262, 267 Private equity allocation, 101, 267 Research, 91–92 Risk management, 264 Succession, 107 Technology allocation, 261, 267 Track record, 76–80, 263, 265 Trades taken, 104 Transparency, 105–106, 265 U.S. vs. non-U.S. exposure, 261 Views of the industry, 266 Cypress Funds, The, 47 Czitron, Thomas, 51 Daido Life Insurance Company, 277, 279 Daniel, Joe, 51 Davidson, Charles, 6, 37, 53 Davidson College, 254, 257, 286 Davy, Darren, 20 De la Hey, John, 37 De Monici, Nella, 37 Deerfield Partners, 38 Delman, Michael, 5 Deltec Asset Management, 37, 38 Denison College, 21, 285, 286 Derchin, Michael, 37 Dexia, 54 Deutsche Asset Management, 51 Deutsche Morgan Grenfell, 52 Dickinson College, 286 Dickstein, Mark, 5, 8 Dickstein Partners, 5, 7 DiMenna, Joseph, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9 Distressed, 57, 99, 211, 212, 213, 299, 304 Distressed credit unit, 189 Doane College, 286 Dresdner Bank, 51 Druckenmiller, Stanley, 21, 40, 47 Chief investment strategist, 22 Financial World's Top 100 Wall Street Earners, 5, 6, 8, 9 Forbes 400, 4 quarrel with Soros, 38–39 Soros departure, 20, 21 Due diligence, 64–66 Duff, Patrick, 5, 6 Duff, Philip, 17 Dunn Capital, 48 DuPont, 277 Dushay, Glenn, 5 Earle, Patrick 37 Early, Brenda, 8 Eastman Kodak, 277 ED&F Man, 61 Egerton, 48, 54 Einhorn, Steven, 94, 126 Eldon Capital, 37 Ellington Capital Management, 48, 52 Elliott Associates, see Singer, Paul Ellis, Robert, 37 Ellison, David, 51 Emergent Capital Investment Management, 52 Emerging markets, 56, 58, 253 Emory University, 286 Endowments, see specific colleges Allocation to hedge funds, 2, 271, 272, 285–305 Benchmarks, 290 Consultants, 289 Fees, 289 |
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