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/Software/@Math & Statistica/Mathworks MatLab Books/Библиотека книг по пакету MATLAB & Simulink/_dubli/
Anufriev I.E., Smirnov A.B., Smirnova E.N. MATLAB 7 (BXV-Peterburg, 2005)(ru)(1104s).pdf126.2 M09.11.2010 14:18:04
Brandimarte P. Numerical Methods in Finance & Economics A MATLAB based Introduction (Wiley-Interscience,2007)(en)(669s).pdf33.0 M09.11.2010 14:17:46
Chapman S.J. MATLAB Programming for engineers (Science Press, 2002)(en)(497s).djvu5.6 M09.11.2010 13:45:58
Chen K., Dzhiblin P., Irving A. (_Chen K., et al_) MATLAB v matematicheskix issledovaniyax (Mir, 2001)(ru)(346s).pdf6.4 M09.11.2010 13:45:42
D'yakonov V. MATLAB 6.. uchebnyj kurs (Piter, 2001)(ru)(592s).pdf40.0 M09.11.2010 14:20:04
D'yakonov V., Kruglov V. Matematicheskie pakety rasshireniya MATLAB. Special'nyj spravochnik (ru)(489s).pdf24.9 M09.11.2010 14:17:10
D'yakonov V.P. MATLAB 6 5 SP17 Simulink 5 6 Osnovy primeneniya (Solon-press, 2005)(ru)(800s).pdf110.7 M09.11.2010 14:18:04
Egorenkov D.L. i dr. Osnovy matematicheskogo modelirovanija. Postroenie i analiz modelej s primerami na yazyke MATLAB (ru)(188s).pdf7.4 M09.11.2010 14:06:46
Grewal M.S., Andrews A.P. Kalman Filtering.. Theory and Practice Using MATLAB (Wiley,2001)(en)(401s).pdf3.5 M09.11.2010 13:55:49
Gul'tjaev A.K. MATLAB 5.2. Imitacionnoe modelirovanie v srede WINDOWS.. prakticheskoe posobie (ru)(285s).djvu20.0 M09.11.2010 14:16:16
Ingle V.K., Proakis J.G. Digital Signal Processing Using Matlab V4 (PWS, 1997)(en)(420s).pdf12.2 M09.11.2010 14:09:40
Kay S. Intuitive probability and random processes using MATLAB (Springer, 2006)(en)(833s).pdf57.5 M09.11.2010 14:18:16
Kwon Y.W., Bang H. The finite element method using MATLAB (CRC, 1997)(ISBN 0849396530)(K)(T)(527s)_MNf_.pdf28.8 M09.11.2010 14:16:57
Manassah J.T. Elementary Mathematical and Computational Tools for Electrical Engineers Using Matlab (CRC,2001)(en)(AW)(T)(349s).pdf9.2 M09.11.2010 14:18:44
Manassah J.T. Elementary Mathematical and Computational Tools for Electrical Engineers Using Matlab (CRC,2001)(en)(AW)(T)(349s)_.pdf2.3 M09.11.2010 12:55:30
Mathews J.H., Fink K.D. Numerical Methods using MATLAB (Prentice Hall, 1999, 3rd ed.)(en)(662s).pdf18.9 M09.11.2010 14:07:52
MATLAB. Yazyk texnicheskix vychislenij (per. Konjushenko V.V.)(_Getting Started with MATLAB_)(ru)(74s).pdf585.2 K09.11.2010 12:55:30
Moller K.D. Optics Learning by Computing with Examples using MATLAB (Springer, 2007)(en)(459s).pdf10.8 M09.11.2010 14:10:16
Ong Ch.-M. Dynamic Simulations of Electric Machinery Using MATLAB Simulink (Prentice Hall,1998)(en)(626s).djvu13.0 M09.11.2010 14:08:46
Polovko A.M., Butusov P.N. MATLAB dlya studenta (BXV-Peterburg, 2005)(ru)(320s).pdf17.0 M09.11.2010 14:14:52
Rudakov P.I., Safonov V.I. Obrabotka izobrazhenij MatLab5x (Dialog-MIFI, 2000)(ru)(210s).pdf163.0 M09.11.2010 14:19:52
Sigmon K. MATLAB Primer (3rd ed.,1993)(en)(34s).gz75.1 K09.11.2010 12:55:30
Trefethen L.N. Spectral Methods in MATLAB (en)(181s).pdf3.1 M09.11.2010 13:56:04
Wilson H.B., Turcotte L.H., Halpern D. Advanced Mathematics and Mechanics Applications Using MATLAB (Chapman&Hall CRC, 2003)(en)(665s).zip7.6 M09.11.2010 14:18:58
Xue D., Chen Y.Q., Atherton D.P. Linear Feedback Control. Analysis and Design with MATLAB (SIAM,2007)(en)(354s).pdf16.0 M09.11.2010 14:10:04

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